Upgrading gitlab-ce version

The time has come for me to revisit my local dev-lab, one of the things I'd like to do first is update the software versions of the tools I use. First tool is - Gitlab

When I started my lab, I installed Gitlab CE from bitnami, version 11. The current version (as of April 2020) is version 12.

The upgrade process seems quite simple

  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt install gitlab-ce

Let's see what's going to break :)

The first problem I encountered is the expired PUBKEY
(The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY).
Fix is quite simple :

  • curl --silent https://packages.gitlab.com/gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -

Now update should work. When I run install, I got a notification that I', trying to upgrade from major version 11 to major version 12, and I first have to upgrade to version 11.11 ...

Now - how do I install this version? First I have to find the specific version number

  • apt-cache madison gitlab-ce and because there are a lot of version and I only care about 11.11, I will pipe it to grep | grep 11.11
  • I found version 11.11.8-ce.0
  • Now to install the specific verion I run sudo apt install gitlab-ce=11.11.8-ce.0

If everything worked fine, now it's time to check if the gitlab server behaves properly - open the UI, pull and push some code.

Everything was fine, so I can proceed with latest version instalation

  • sudo apt install gitlab-ce

That's it! :)


How to update GitLab repository signing key
GitLab repository signing key was updated at the beginning of the April, so you can get an error during the signature verification.