kibana Changing Kibana to listen on port 80 without running it as root As I'm tidying up my ELK setup I thought that accessing kibana via :5601 is not necessary, so I modified the /etc/kibana/kibana.yml server port to 80 just to be reminded, that on linux ports below 1024 are accessible only by root.
RancherOS RancherOS cloud-init (cloud-config) setup (2020 update) As part of the HomeLab refresh, I started updating my tools and dependencies, one of the pieces was RancherOS image that I used for running Gitlab runners. When I tried
GitLab Upgrading gitlab-ce version The time has come for me to revisit my local dev-lab, one of the things I'd like to do first is update the software versions of the tools I use.
GitLab Register a Docker GitLab runner with a self-signed CA certificate If you have a GitLab instance using your self-signed certificate, you have to add it to machines pulling the code, and to the runner, so that they can securely communicate
RancherOS Setting up RancherOS using cloud-config.yml [in 2019] I wrote an updated version here: When you create a new RancherOS box, you can use cloud-config.yml file to setup your OS. There are
RancherOS Persisting RancherOS state You can run RancherOS in two ways. Boot from an ISO to memory or install on disk. There are some advantages of running it from ISO, like super easy update
SSL How to become a local CA, and sign your own SSL certificates Sometimes when you experiment with some apps and VMs (like hosting gitlab on a local server) you might want to setup SSL for the app to work, to mimic the
ESXi Setting up Bitnami Gitlab CE image with ESXi 6.7 In order to setup your local GitLab CE instance (inside ESXi), you need: Working ESXiBitnami Gitlab *.OVA file (link)Local DNS is a bonusVMAfter you download the OVA file, open